Maintaining a Healthy Koi Pond Over Winter in Western New York

Western New York’s harsh winters can challenge koi pond owners, but proper preparation ensures your koi thrive. Here’s how:

1. Clean the Pond

Remove debris like leaves and algae before the first frost to prevent harmful gas buildup under ice.

2. Stop Feeding at 50°F

When water drops below 50°F, koi’s digestion slows. Stop feeding to avoid water pollution.

3. Use a Pond Heater or De-Icer

Keep a hole in the ice for gas exchange. Place the de-icer in a clean area for optimal function.

4. Add Aeration

Install an aerator at a shallow depth or keep a small fountain running to circulate oxygen.

5. Observe Koi

Occasionally check for signs of distress like unusual swimming. Consult a specialist if needed.

6. Prepare for Power Outages

Keep a generator ready to maintain heaters and aerators during outages.

7. Have an Emergency Plan

Be ready to set up an indoor tank and stock supplies for quick action during extreme weather.

Final Thoughts

With these steps, your koi can stay healthy and safe through WNY’s winter. Preparation ensures they emerge ready for spring.

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