Louisville, Kentucky – The International Landscape, Outdoor Living and Equipment Exposition
In October of 2021 employees from Waterscapes of WNY and Lattimer Outdoor Living Spaces traveled to Louisville, Kentucky for the GIE+Expo and Hardscape North America. This is where landscape contractors, distributors, and manufacturers connect, learn and grow. This tradeshow remains the best place to connect with our peers, network, and create a competitive business edge. We are excited to bring back innovative techniques, specialized equipment and a growing passion for our work.
While at the Expo, we naturally gravitated towards the handful of water feature manufacturers on site. The Aquascape booth was full of new products, excited sales reps, and advertisement for ongoing training at their Chicago facility. Hands on education is imperative to our success and we will be traveling to Aqualand in February for the Aquascape Academy. Easy Pro Pond Products had a booth full of their expansive chemical line as well as catalogs specifically for large pond/lake maintenance, a service we aim to bring to the WNY area. Blue Thumb Ponds/Waterfalls/Fountains displayed many of their fountain kits, that are made in house, including the unique cylinder whirlpool fountain. We wanted to take home the displays, to no avail. Oase living water, displayed a slew of innovative pumps, lights, and in-line water filtration systems.
Overall our business trip was a success. We brought home with us many new ideas, connections with water feature suppliers, and endless possibilities for our future.
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